Remittance of TDS
7th of every month
Remittanc of Outward Supplies
11th of every month
Remittance of PF/ESIC Contributions
15th of every month
Remittance of Goods & Service Tax
20th of every month
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The fastest way to grow your business with the leader in Technology Check out our options and features included.
BandiChhod & Associates provide a fast reliable best payroll outsourcing services & Tax consultancy.
BandiChhod & Associates, is an reliable taxation and compliance consultancy including our own developed ePayroll Cloud Sofware covering vide area of Chandigarh,Mohali,Panchkula, Kharar, Kurali ,Rupnagar,Ropar,Zirakpur,Landra, Balachaur, Nawashahr , Baddi region. We discovered the easiest way of dealing with the problems of maintenance of statutory records under various labour statutes i.e. Employees Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provision Acts, 1952, (EPF Act) Employees State Insurance Act (ESI Act) ,Contract labour , Payment of wages under Minimum Wages Act, Bonus Act and Labour Welfare Fund Rules , GOODS AND SERVICE TAX, INCOME TAX etc. We has adequate proficiency in providing consultancy & liaisoning services under ESI Act, EPF Act,Contracto Labour Act,Shop & Establishment Act,Income Tax, Goood & Service Tax, Payroll outsourcing, Salary processing.
We has acquired proficiency in providing consultancy & liaisoning services under Labour Act (Punjab & Haryana), ESI Act, EPF Act, Income Tax, GST Act & Payroll outsourcing, Salary processing in and around Mohali & Rupnagar , Balachaur and Maintenance of statutory records in prescribed manner under various acts.

Our Services
Payroll Processing
Recieving data from company, processing the same at our fully computerized payroll package and generating payroll register.
Digital Signature
We provide Digital Certificates of CLASS II & CLASS III for ,E.S.I.C, E.P.F,Income Tax, GOODS & SERVICE TAX, FCI e-Tendering, Banking, Railways and many other needs.
GST Practitioner
We understand clients requirement & we have our own develeped GST Invoice/Return software to fullfill customers required .Wheather customer is having small or big transcation.
Pure Consultancy
We have a team of about 07 peoples well versed & proficient to attend to these jobs.